22 February, 2025

Regional Centre


IGNOU Regional Centre, Ranchi is the 22nd Regional Centre of the University, established in March 2000 with a view to offering focussed learner support services to masses of the newly established State of Jharkhand in 2000. In the past 19 years of its existence, this Regional Centre has grown in leaps and bounds in terms of enrolment and expansion of its footprints across the state.


This Centre that was started with 11 Learner Support Centres with about 8000 students in the year 2000 has got 50 LSCs with an enrolment of 47000 [in 2018]. In view of increasing popularity of IGNOU programs as well as enrolment in the State, RC Deoghar was carved out of this Regional Centre in 2011 with 7 districts under its jurisdiction. RC Ranchi has its jurisdiction of the remaining 17 districts of the State.


105 Academic Programmes from Certificate to PG in diverse academic disciplines ranging from literature to medicine are offered in this Region with the academic support of nearly 2000 qualified and experienced academics drawn from the regular mode of education.


The Regional Centre holds systemic Orientation Program from time to time for the capacity building of the academic counsellors. In FY 2018-19, 3 cluster Orientation Programs for the academic counsellors were conducted at SC32034 [KB Women’s College, Hazaribagh], IGNOU Regional Centre, Ranchi and IGNOU SC 32024 [Karim City College, Jamshedpur] wherein 122 academic counsellors were oriented.


This Regional Centre has been playing a pivotal role in training and up-skilling. It had taken special initiative in the area of teacher education. More than 20000 teachers had been enrolled in competency building programmes like CIG, CTE and CTPM in 2003-2005. In addition, it had also accepted the huge responsibility of training nearly 67,000 untrained in-service para-teachers of the State by offering Diploma in Primary Education (DPE) Programme. Approximately 58,000 enrolled learners have successfully completed the program and certification has been done.


Awareness Program on Dairy Farming [APDF] for farmers is being offered through Farmer Training Centre, Dairy Department, Govt. of Jharkhand, Ranchi to create awareness among marginal farmers to improve productivity in milk production and effective management of fodder. No of candidates enrolled till Jan 2019 session is 506 and no of certifications done is 441.


Training for Competency and Skill Development of Nursing Professionals to take up the job of Community Health Officers: IGNOU in collaboration with MoHFW, GOI has been offering BPCCHN Program with a view to developing competency, knowledge and required skills to take up the job of CHO to manage the Health and Wellness Centres independently. 11 LSCs have already been opened for offering BPCCHN Program in this region from Jan 2019 session. The program had begun in this Region from July 2017. Enrolment as on Jan 2019 is 681. This RC has been encouraging the inclusion of disadvantaged sections of the society by enrolling more and more women, candidates belonging to SC/ST community and Jail inmates. 02 Special Study Centres have been opened in 02 Central Jails located in Ranchi, and Hazaribagh.


Under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, RC Ranchi organizes hand washing campaigns in rural schools for the little children to create awareness on hand hygiene in particular and cleanliness in general. 05 hand washing campaigns have been organised in FY 2018- 2019 under Unnat Bharat and Swachha Bharat Abhiyan.


Efforts are being made to enter a Strategic Partnership with the Government of Jharkhand in the area of health education for the competency building of health functionaries at different levels. As a result of this endeavour, NHM Jharkhand has Sponsored 68 candidates for pursuing DNHE and CNCC Programs for July 2019 session and 30 candidates for Certificate in Geriatric Care.


The Regional Centre has been awarded with University Gold Medals twice for Best Services in the year 2005 and 2007 which bears the testimony of prompt support services provided by the RC.